Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maxam KT17 17-Piece 9-Element Surgical-Stainless-Steel Waterless Cookware Set

Maxam KT17 17-Piece 9-Element Surgical-Stainless-Steel Waterless Cookware Set

>>> BlackFriday Maxam KT17 17-Piece 9-Element Surgical-Stainless-Steel Waterless Cookware Set

Product Features

  • 5-PLY 304 Surgical Stainless Steel

  • 9-Element encapsulated bases

  • Waterless Steam Control Valves to save vitamins

I had a Townecraft home demonstation and thought it was wonderful. The salesman was great and really made me excited. Then came the price. I've bought cars for less than that! I started looking around for that same brand on auction sites and found it 1/2 the price but still very expensive. I went to the waterless cookware site and decided to give Maxam 9 a shot. It took 2 months to get but the pans are good heavy quality very easy to clean and keep the food moist. Waterless cooking however takes patience to get right and you are likely to burn some meals if you stick to the time guidelines in the book. I've had them for about two monts now and finally got rid of all of the old teflon and rusty pans...they aren't coming back. I've cooked with the Townecraft pans before and you aren't going to see enough of a difference to warrant 6-8 times the price. Maxam 9 (World's Finest) is almost as good and won't kill your budget. As Zig Ziglar says "It's easier to justify cost once than apologize for quality forever" The price is more than what you are going to pay in WalMart but the cost over a lifetime will be much much lower because you won't buy pans again.

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